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The Southern Way 45

RRP: £14.95

The Southern Way Nos 45

Edited by Kevin Robertson


We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the next two issues of The Southern Way, the journal of record for all those interested in the history and heritage of the Southern Railway, its constituent companies and the Southern Region of British Railways.

Edited by Kevin Robertson, whose extensive knowledge of all things SR and whose many publications on the railways of the south of England are well known to SR enthusiasts, each volume contains a series of authoritative articles on an always interesting range of topics, copiously illustrated with a wealth of photographs.

Four issues of The Southern Way are published annually, usually in January, April, August and October and the regular issues of the journal are supplemented by occasional Southern Way Specials which focus in much greater depth on specific area of SR history, operations or traction.

In this issue:

Lawson Billinton of the Brighton

Salisbury to Exeter: From peak to decline and resurgence – Part 1: A main-line railway

Life at Eastleigh in the latter days of steam – Part 2

Southern Civil Engineering

The EPB Story – Part 7: 1957 and 1960 Stock

Kingston Wharf: the French connection

‘Rebuilt’ – the letters and comments pages

A ‘field trip’ to the Smithfield Triangle

Charlie ‘Knobby’ Brown – Winchester shunter

The lost archives of Stephen Townroe – Part 10

David Vaughan interviews former Tonbridge fireman Gordon Castle

Book review: Southern Style: After Nationalisation 1948-1964 by John Harvey (HMRS)

Product description

ISBN: 9781909328860
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 273 mm x 215 mm
Pages: 96
Photos/Illus: Around 170 photos

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