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Private Pilot's Licence Course Vol.3


PPL3 Navigation and Flight Planning
Jeremy M Pratt

ISBN 9781800350663

PPL3 Navigation and Flight Planning is profusely illustrated with full colour diagrams, illustrations and photographs. The navigation section includes detailed and fully-illustrated information on how to plan and conduct a VFR flight, including an illustrated map reading flight, the latest map symbology and radio navigation theory. The complimentary subjects of Navigation and Flight Planning covered in one book.

• Includes radio navigation
• Includes full colour section
• Revision questions at the end of each chapter
• Includes actual map-reading flight and practical flight planning example
• CAA recommended

Product description

ISBN: 9781800350663
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 245mm x 190mm
Pages: 208
Photos/Illus: Illustrated throughout