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Atlas of Railway Station Closures Second Edition


Now available

This is a revised and expanded edition of one of our best-reviewed and best-selling titles of 2018, Atlas of Railway Station Closures. The Atlas shows all standard gauge railway lines built in Britain and the dates when each line and every station on those lines was closed. The first part of the book consists of an atlas of the entire railway network. On these maps line closures are colour-coded by decade. The company, BR Region or later organisation owning the station at the time of the closure is listed, as well as the last pre-grouping owner. The name of the station used is in every instance that applied at the time of its closure. The second part of the book provides a complete index and gazetteer listing all station closure dates if the station has closed, and highlighting those still in use.

Atlas of Railway Station Closures encompasses a wealth of invaluable information organised and presented in an accessible format, but we were aware that it was a hugely ambitious project and invited comments from readers some of which have been incorporated into this new edition. This second edition also contains additional inset maps to provide greater clarity and make more comprehensible the complex railway networks of location such as Swansea, Cardiff, Liverpool, Aberdeen and parts of London.

Product description

ISBN: 9780860936978
Binding: hardback
Dimensions: 280mm x 215mm
Pages: 160

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